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In recent years, cyberattacks on Israeli bodies have become a tradition. Most of the attacks are carried out by Anonymous and a small organization named

In an attack on April 7, 2018, databases of commercial companies (containing usernames, email addresses, and credit cards) were broken down and published on the network.

Cyberattacks are carried out using a number of vectors:

Penetration of databases, publication, and malicious use of information.

Utilizing security weaknesses in websites to penetrate sensitive private databases such as usernames, passwords, email addresses, residential addresses, credit card details and more.

Ransom Software

Ransom Software encrypts the files on a computer or corporate network and asks for a ransom payment for the encryption key to re-allow access to files. is usually sent as an email attachment via a Word, Excel, PDF or JPG file. We have also seen the use of weak passwords in the RDP protocol used to hack and encrypt the files in your organization.

Facebook Hacking of Israeli Citizens

Many leaks provide credit cards details of Israeli citizens.

SMS and Phone Fraud

Such events were intended to work the public into a panic. During the course of a year, SMS messages were sent to a large number of Israelis.

Site Vandalism and Webpage Hacking

Replacing the homepage of a particular site that has low security. Instead of a proper homepage, you will find offensive phrases, political slogans, or any other message that a hacker wants to convey.

The following steps should be considered to reduce risks:

  • It’s a good idea to make sure that your organization’s information security policy is up to date and that the Group Policy is properly configured.
  • Information security procedures should be refreshed among the organization’s employees.
  • Be alert to suspicious email/SMS and if you encounter any of these, update the security/network administrator in the organization.
  • Your operating system and its software be updated with the operating systems and end-user software and third-party organization.
  • An emergency plan should be set up in case of cyberattacks. The program should contain an emergency team whose role is to respond when cyberattacks occur, and when necessary, to know how to activate third parties.
  • Be alert to OVERLOAD attempts on the firewall. This way, you can block a targeted address or geographic location.
  • Implement a cloud-based solution that emphasizes the identification of the DDOS attack on this solution to provide rapid identification of incoming traffic and ease of load.

Implement a security solution for Web applications using the Web Application Firewall. This solution provides protection against Layer 7 attacks, which can lead to information theft from websites.




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